Atlantic Shopify Theme Supply
Hey Lori, I'd be happy to help you out (as best I can) with tweaking your theme. Generally, the Shopify Support Gurus will be able to help you through any of the more straightforward tweaks - anything that is within the Theme Settings of your template is something that we'll be able to guide you through. In general, the Gurus will be able to help with some of the more complicated tweaks, while the most complicated issues are best left to the designers of the theme itself. Part of the fee for a 3rd party theme covers the 3rd party support as well, & they should be more than happy to assist you in using their product. For the Atlantic Theme by Pixel Union, the general support is located here: and their support department is reachable at Feel free to email me directly with your concerns and questions & I'll be happy to get you sorted out straight away - and in general, don't hesitate to contact or to call in to 1-888-SHOPIFY (1-888-746-7439) whenever you need a hand.

Atlantic theme is a responsive, retina-ready Shopify theme hand-crafted by Pixel Union. Compare performance metrics of latest Shopify themes. Choose the fastest Shopify theme for your Shopify store. The Thran J. Robert King Pdf. Atlantic is a versatile, powerful, responsive Shopify theme. It features a mega-navigation menu, homepage slideshow, and tons of space for featured content. Atlantic is a versatile, powerful, responsive Shopify theme.
All the best, Matt Shopify Guru . Hi there Lori, My pleasure! So - you're trying to set up the navigation within your site, and within your link lists the changes you're making aren't saving, is this correct? I'm looking in to that issue currently. For the time being, it seems that once you click 'save', it reverts to its previous condition, but, if you immediately refresh, you can see that the choice has, in fact, been saved. Try this out and see if it's the same on your site.
In the meantime, we'll investigate what's behind the issue. Thanks for your patience! Email me directly at to let me know if you have any success. All the best, Matt Shopify Guru .
Did you know you can easily build your beautiful online store with (check out their with no credit card required). Shopify’s core features include the ability to manage products, inventory, customers, orders, discounts and more. You can easily manage your online store with no help needed and no coding skills required. Not only that, but Shopify also comes with hundreds of pre-built templates for various online businesses, such as fashion online stores. As an online business owner, conversions and leads are extremely important!
An optimized website design will convert more and help you easily attract more clients for your business. That is why we did a bit of research and selected only the best Shopify themes for you!
These best Shopify themes are converting fast and will help you get all the customers you want. Most of these, while a few are premium ones that carry a small fee. Here they are! Narrative is a free and responsive Shopify theme which you will immediately want to use on your project.
It has an elegant design which was specially created for brand and product storytelling. Debut is perfect for brands and products.
With this amazing free theme, your products will be showcased beautifully. It comes with a feature to promote a single product by featuring it front and center on your home page and also allows customers to filter products by type, and sort by best sellers and price on the collection page. Jumpstart is a high conversion Shopify theme which has a minimalist design.