Bufr Decoding Software Torrent

Purpose of the BUFR software (UNIX and VMS versions) The ERS-2 Low Bit Rate Fast Delivery products are transmitted over the WMO GTS ( World Meteorological Organisation Global Telecommunications System) using a special Buffer format WMO FM94 BUFR. The products transmitted with this BUFR format are: • the ERS-2 UWA: SAR wave fast delivery product • the ERS-2 URA: altimeter fast delivery product • the ERS-2 UAT: ATSR fast delivery product (suspended) • the ERS-2 UWI: Wind Scatterometer fast delivery product Software changes applied on version 5.03 (September 2001) • Support for the new ATSR-2 ASST (UAT) products processed by the SADIST-2 software.
Limiting/scaling of the ATSR accross-track band number, with reduced resolution on decode, has been implemented to fit to new SADIST-2 processor specification. • Support for WMO/GTS RMDCN protocol Software changes applied on version 5.01 (January 2000) • Implementation of the latest WMO BUFR standard known as Edition 3. This mainly defines additional information in the BUFR message header section and includes the latest WMO published look-up tables. • Support for the ATSR-2 ASST (UAT) product processed by the SADIST-2 software. Recently implemented at the Tromsoe receiving station and now available to ESA for dissemination along with the other ERS Fast Delivery Products, the SADIST-2 products - different from earlier SADIST V600 products - have actually required changes of the BUFR specification for this data type. • Tables amendments to support for QuikSCAT products decoding.
OPERA Operational Programme for the Exchange of Weather Radar Information FM94-BUFR Encoding and Decoding Software User Guidelines Version 1.6. Overview Large amounts of weather and satellite data are exchanged each day routinely in real time around the world. Pre-defined and standardised data formats are. Stephen King Dark Tower Pdf Torrent. Installer Camera Assistant Software Pour Toshiba. Bufr Decoding Software Torrent.
• Year 2000 compliance Software features in version 4.04 (Dec 98) • Wet tropospheric correction flag implemented in the ESA decoded URA product in the DSR (Data Set Record) field 18, bit 1 (as defined in the document 'ERS Ground Stations Products specification', with reference ER-IS-EPO-GS-201, issue 3/1, dated December 9 1994). IMPORTANT: Users should upgrade their decoders when ATSR products (UAT) will be distributed by ESA You will be informed by means of this web page or through our Helpdesk. The Version 5.01 can be still used to decode the others data (UWA, URA, UWA) encoded with Version 5.03. The Version 5.03 will however transparently decode messages encoded with the old versions of the encoder. Reference documentation • ERS-2 Kiruna Station User Interface, 5 April 1994. ERS-IS-MDA-GS-2010, Issue 1 Full text can be ordered from our helpdesk: use the help facility on this site • UWA processing algorithm specification Version 2.0, 7 November 1996.
ER_TN-ESA-GS-0342, Issue 1 Full text is available for FTP download in • ERS Products - WMO FM94 BUFR Format, 16 February 2001. Cartina Geografica Italia Politico Pdf Merge. ER-IS-UKM-GS-0001, Version 4.0, Issue 2 Full text is accessible together with the software -see 'access' below - or ordered through our helpdesk: use the help facility on this site.
Index (BUFR-Decoder-Java 1.0 API) Class SUMMARY: DETAIL: ucar.bufr Class Index java.lang.Object ucar.bufr.Index public final class Index extends java.lang.Object An 'in memory' index for Bufr files. May be constructed by scanning the file with BufrInput, or by reading a 'Bufr File Index' that was created by BufrIndexer. This has all the information in it needed to construct a netcdf object. Author: rkambic Nested Class Summary class class to represent each observation in the index. Static class class to represent a coordinate of a point (station) in the index. Static class class to represent a Parameter in the index.
Field Summary static java. ??? ????? Gsm Phones here. lang.String used to check versions of already created indexes. Constructor Summary () Constructor for creating an Index from the Bufr file. Method Summary void (java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value) adds a GlobalAttribute to the index.
Void (java.lang.String name, java.lang.String ISOdate, int dim, float latitude, float longitude, int altitude, long DDSoffset, long obsOffset, int bitPos, int bitBuf) adds a Observation to the index. Void (java.lang.String key, int dimension, boolean isNumeric, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String units) adds a Parameter to the index. Void () Sort the index information for quick access. (java.lang.String name, java.lang.String ISOdate, int dim, long DDSoffset, long obsOffset, int bitPos, int bitBuf) java.util.HashMap () coordinates of the locations. Java.util.HashMap () GlobalAttributes of index. Java.util.ArrayList () locations in this dataset. Int () numberObs in this dataset.
Java.util.HashMap () observations of index, one ArrayList for each location. Java.util.HashMap () locations in this observation time. Java.util.ArrayList () observation times in this dataset. Java.util.ArrayList () Parameters of index. Static void (java.lang.String[] args) main. Boolean (java.lang.String reference) open Bufr Index file for scanning.