
De Delftse Methode Netherlands Voor Buitenlanders Pdf Free

Nederlands Leren Voor BuitenlandersDe Delftse Methode Netherlands Voor Buitenlanders Pdf Free

Looking for feedback on the above learning software/book and audio cd's. I started this course 5 months ago and I am only on lesson 10 of 45.

THE NETHERLANDS View PDF. STEVIN en ONDERWIJS View PDF De Delftse methode Nederlands voor. Delftse Methode, Nederlands voor buitenlanders - Free! Delftse Methode PDF - Free Ebook. De Delftse Methode Nederlands voor buitenlanders 1 Audio.rar 48.45. Migrants in The Netherlands. View PDF De Delftse methode. De Basiscursus Nederlands voor Buitenlanders is dus bestemd voor laagopgeleiden. Met de Delftse methode. De nadruk ligt op de mogelijkheden die het materiaal. 45 MB 11 De Delftse Methode Nederlands voor buitenlanders 1.pdf 6.51 MB 12. 11 De Delftse Methode Nederlands voor buitenlander. Free website.

The course is okay I guess but I feel I should be learning much quicker. The learning software is very very basic, the audio cd's well they tend to speak too fast for me to understand and there is no option to hear single words only the whole sentence in the software. The lesson book, the grammar explained is in dutch only so it won't be of benefit to me until I reach lesson 45.

This course is expensive 400+ euros for a year, and for this kind of money I expected better things from the NTI. Before I moved to Holland I bought 'learn dutch now'software cd for only 30 quid and would recommend this to anyone as its a fun way learning about holland as well as many fun learning games, video clips and speech and grammar practice.

I know the software you mentioned. I found it good, but I have only the free version of it, which contains only a few words.

I'm a student, and have no money to afford the full version. I know it's a shame for me, but is there any way to get a copy of your CD, or get the full version for free somehow? If you think you can help me in this, then please e-mail me.

If you can't (or don't want) then reply me in the forum. Sorry for requesting a thing like this, but I have no choice, if I think of my financial status.

Thanx for spending some time to read my message. I've been using the two books and CD since January and am on lesson 27, with about a month or so off - one two hour lesson per week. It's as good as any other's I've looked at, but I find the subject matter somewhat 'preachy' - seems to be geared towards immigrants (and how to behave/how things 'are'). But, I have a good teacher too. Buy Software In Bulk.