General Chemistry Fourth Edition Mcquarrie Rock Gallogly James

This new fourth edition of General Chemistry takes an atoms-first approach from beginning to end. In the tradition of McQuarrie's many previous works, it promises to be another ground-breaking text. This superb new textbook combines the clear writing and wonderful problems that have made McQuarrie famous among chemistry professors and students worldwide. Presented in an elegant design with all-new illustrations, it is available in a soft-cover edition to offer professors a fresh choice at an outstanding value. Student supplements include an online series of descriptive chemistry Interchapters, a Students Solutions Manual, and an optional state-of-the-art Online Homework program. For adopting professors, an Instructor's Manual and a CD of the art are also available.
General Chemistry by McQuarrie, Donald A./ Rock, Peter A./ Gallogly. Florida State UniversityThis new fourth edition of General Chemistry takes an atoms-first. Mystery Science on this page.
NOT AVAILABLE IN NORTH AMERICA AND CANADA 'McQuarrie is a genius.' Harry Gray, Caltech 'Atoms First seems to be the flavor of the year in chemistry textbooks, but many of them seem to be little more than rearrangement of the chapters.