Kanye West The College Dropout Raritan
(Quick Review #12) Listen: #2 This was the first time I've heard college Dropout in a long time, and I enjoyed it. I don't think its as good as the other two school-themed albums, but it is still very enjoyable in my opinion. I really like most of the songs here, and while it definantly isn't Kanye's best work, its worth a few listens. I also must state that I listened to this on the shitty Vinyl pressing, so I may have enjoyed it more if I didn't listen to it on it.

22 rows Kanye West gained notoriety as a producer-for-hire before The College Dropout shook hip-hop to its core. Hanc Drivers Ed Final Quizlet. The mix of styles and subject matter is breathtaking.
But it was still enjoyable, just not as good as some of his other stuff. I sound like I'm shitting on it but I still think this is a great album Decent 8. Bosch Mts 5200 Manually.
Before I review the album I must review the vinyl. Damn its bad. I mean I should have known concidering everyone shits on the vinyl pressing of this one. But I didn't think it would be THIS bad. It has a mix of the explicit and clean versions of the songs, the sound quality is ass and the record even at full volume sounds near silent. It's not nice. However unlike a lot of other people, my copy never skipped, but I would rather it have skipped a few times than have some of the clean versions of these songs.