Legacy 1.05 Download
TRON Legacy - ULTIMATE Edition 1.05. Download Link (Version 1.05). Tales From The Crypt - ULTIMATE Edition 1.05.

The Ultimate Universe Mod began in January 2007 with the goal then being a multi stage development process. Chris Jones Gaming as an entity had just begun, and the team, growing by the day, was off to create one heck of a mod. The team acquired modelers, mappers, scripters, programmers, and other ‘staff’.
We ended up releasing a ‘demo’ on 4/14/07 – Followed immediately by a little patch to fix a few things. Demo Patch two was released to the public on 5/21/07 after much beta testing, which included all new TOS ships from Moonraker, and a reworked single player campaign from Gamemaster, among other things. Many new missions and 1 on 1 maps added. Mindwipe provided many new sound effects and produced a very nice soundtrack for each race in the mod. Then came The Ultimate Borg, Dominion, then a full 1.0 release on 9/24/07.
Stage 2 is in progress with no set release date. Stay tuned my friend. This is the Muldrf's Legacy Mission Editor 1.05, an improved version of Bethesda's Editor. This version is included as part of the LMTools Suite release 2L. I don't actually use this tool and longer by itself.
I have only released this separately, as I noticed the file that was available for download here as 1.04c was actually 1.04b which didn't have all the required files in it to function. I then checked the program out and found some issues in it, so I fixed them and have repackaged everything into an easy to install program.
(You still need Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2008 Express to compile completed Mission Scripts.) Look for the LMTools Suite 2L shortly, which will include this release. LegacyMissionEditor Change Log Changes from v1. Encopy Download Google more. 00 to v1.001 1. It now defaults to using the folders for the 2008 release of C++ rather than the 2005 files.
Meaning instead of 'C: program files microsoft visual studio 8 VC bin' it now uses 'C: program files microsoft visual studio 9.0 VC bin'. I moved the 'Edit' which has that path across the menu bar to get it more out of the way. I added a second Build Mission which is out on the main menu bar, so you don't have to click on Mission then Build. Saves a click that way. I also changed it so that instead of naming the missions 'stl17' etc it names them 'tkm17' etc.
Makes it easier to keep your missions separate from the stock ones when working with them more than just looking for capital STL or lowercase stl. I also added a field to the Create New Mission dialog that lets you choose the folder and filenames that your new mission will use. I didn't put in a file check for preexisting folders or files so don't overwrite an install if you don't want to. If you leave it blank it will take the next available slot of 'tkm##'. I docked the mission list to the window and extended the default size, it now lists 2 more without scrolling, and maximizing the window extends the view properly when maximizing or stretching the window. Changes from v1.001 to v1.002 2/15/08 7.
Added Icon to the program rather than the ugly default one. Added it to all 'forms' in the program. It looks better this way to me. Got sick of looking at that default icon all day the last 2 days. Added '_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS' setting to the compiler to eliminate some warnings that were annoying each time I compiled.
The 'Output' Windows from Builds is now docked meaning it resizes with the window itself and reshapes as well. It's still word wrapped. It's a slightly different starting size as well. Changes from v1.002 to v1.003 3/20/08 10. Added File Checks on startup. It now checks for required files that would cause crashes otherwise. This helps if your setting up the first time or accidentally moved an important file.
These include: LabelMap_EN.xml Objectives_Localized_Strings_EN.xml unsupportedextension_mapedit campaign Legacy LegacyMissions.xml 11. Adjusted most Forms/Window sizing. Docked the About Box to resize text box properly.
Added Shortcuts to all the Menu options on the main screen. Hold Down ALT to see the keys. Example ALT+B = Build Mission. Added Close button to the Outboxes. ALT+C will Close them. Also linked the ESC key to the Close Button so you can use that as well. Changes from v1.003 to v1. An Introduction To Language Australia And New Zealand 7th Edition. 004 3/22/2008 15.
Fixed various Forms/Windows that shouldn't be resizable but where. Armitron Pro Sport 44 1001 Manual Arts on this page. Can now pick DDS or JPG for the Image selection box on the mainform. Close button on the Output boxes now stays at the bottom right corner.
Addition of the 'Default' Mission Script files. This is a Generic script to use as a starter script. The files are to be located in the Star Trek Legacy missions tkm01 folder.
The Configuration Path for the Compiler binaries now saves when changed. There are conditions that cause it to forget such as new compiles and moving it to another location. The Default location is the location of the 2008 bin folder 'C: Program Files Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 VC bin'. Added 'Changes List' Screen and option under the Help Menu.