
The Australian Editing Handbook Flann & Hill


Australian Editing Handbook [Elizabeth Flann, Beryl Hill] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Perfect for trainee editors, or established editors who.

Perfect for trainee editors, or established editors who want to refresh their skills, authors, or anyone working with the written word, The Australian Editing Handbook is an essential and valuable resource. As editors are now required to work in many different media, The Australian Editing Handbook discusses editing within the contexts of book publishing, newspapers, magaz Perfect for trainee editors, or established editors who want to refresh their skills, authors, or anyone working with the written word, The Australian Editing Handbook is an essential and valuable resource.

As editors are now required to work in many different media, The Australian Editing Handbook discusses editing within the contexts of book publishing, newspapers, magazines, websites and online newsletters. With chapters on the publishing industry, the role of the editor, specialist editing, on-screen editing, and the editing of electronic publications, this updated edition takes into account the changes and challenges facing editors today.

The Australian Editing Handbook Flann & HillLinguistics

The Australian Editing Handbook answers more questions than you ever thought you would have about working with the English language: from punctuation to grammar, and language structure and style, this comprehensive guide takes a hands-on approach to the specialised skill of editing. Led Zeppelin Live In London 2007 Download Dvd Flick. Through its many working examples and explanations for every possible editing query, plus helpful tips and checklists, readers will learn the technical procedures and practical skills for dealing with mark-up, illustrations, copyright permissions, preliminary and endmatter, proofreading, even writing cover blurbs, as well as how to efficiently manage schedules and costs. Written by acknowledged experts in the field, The Australian Editing Handbook is an authoritative guide covering every stage of the editing process.