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Our education materials include Project WILD activity. Download Accelerator. As well as laws and legislation about the protection of these. A CD of nocturnal wildlife sounds.
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Order Yours Today! Ever wondered what animal made that peep in your backyard or that bellow in the bushes near your pond? Learn more about some of these sounds with the updated 'Calls of the Wild—Vocalizations of Georgia's Frogs' CD! Produced by the Wildlife Resources Division's Nongame Conservation Section, this CD and accompanying 24-page booklet present the unique calls and life histories of 32 frog and toad species found in Georgia. The CD has separate recordings of each native species, as well as two non-native species in the state, the greenhouse frog and the Cuban treefrog.
There's also more than 20 minutes of mixed-species choruses that can be listened to as natural background music or used to test your frog-identification abilities. Informative narration is provided for individual species.

As part of the revised CD, an expanded booklet is packed with detail, including color photographs, natural histories, range maps and physical characteristics for each species. Single copies by mail cost $14.84, which includes taxes, shipping and handling. To order a copy: • to: Georgia DNR Wildlife Resources Division, Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center 543 Elliott Trail Mansfield, GA 30055 • For wholesale orders, or credit card orders by phone, please call 770-784-3059.
You can also buy the CD in the gift shop at in Mansfield. Released in 2003, 'Calls of the Wild' was updated and the booklet expanded in 2013. That project was funded by a grant from TERN, friends group of the Nongame Conservation Section. Nearly all of the frog recordings on 'Calls of the Wild' were made by frog expert Walter Knapp. Johnson, former Nongame program manager and TERN executive director, narrated the CD.
Due to copyright restrictions, the booklets found below do not contain the actual Project WILD activities. You can find the appropriate activities listed in each booklet's table of contents, but you'll need to refer to your copies of the Project WILD Guides to see the actual Project WILD activities. If you do not have a set of Project WILD Activity Guides, you'll need to to obtain a set for your own use. • Information, activities, and illunstrations for the study of Ohio birds. A CD of Ohio songbird calls is also available. • Information and activities on food chains and prey animals as related to Ohio's owls.
Owl pellets are provided in sample units only; large quantities are not available. Hp 4700 Firmware Update on this page. A CD of owl calls and a CD of nocturnal wildlife sounds are also available. • Information and activities on the white-tailed deer, as well as Ohio's deer herd and harvest statistics. Information on non-consumptive and consumptive uses of wildlife are also provided. • Information and activities on wetland habitats including plants, animals, as well as laws and legislation about the protection of these critical areas.
• Information and activities on Ohio's river otters and other furbearers, as well as information on non-consumptive and consumptive uses of wildlife. • A supplement where students will be able to learn various adaptations of animals by examining their skulls, scat and tracks. • Activities and information regarding the black bear, and its past, present, and future presence in Ohio. • Twenty activities and twenty projects to help schools and other facilities develop a high quality outdoor classroom. In addition to free training, the Division also offers many educational materials free of charge to educators who wish to bring what's under the water into the classroom. A list of publications and items for your aquatic educational event can be found in the. Passport to Fishing is a program developed by the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation, and the Division of Wildlife uses their curriculum as a beginning angler program.
This program is led by trained volunteer instructors who provide skills, techniques, and information that allow any novice angler to start fishing. The program consists of educational stations focusing on hands-on participation in four areas. The stations cover the basics of angling in Casting, Fishing Knots and Rigging, Fish Habitat and Handling, and Local Information. For more information on how you can become a Passport to Fishing instructor, contact your.