Charter Arms Ar7 Serial Numbers

Full text of ' CHARTER ARMS, PARTS, INSTRUCTION AND WARRANTY MANUAL SPECIFICATIONS Caliber 22 Rimfire, long rifle, standard. Action Semi-automatic. Magazine Detachable box type, capacity 8 rounds. Barrel 16' precision high grade steel rifling. Stock...Full pistol grip, recessed to stow barrel, action, and magazine, high quality cycolac. Convenient thumb safety at rear of receiver.
I SPECULATE that serial numbers began. In my experience the Charters Arms AR 7's fitting and workmanship aren't up to. My Charter Arms AR-7, (circa. >FIREARMS DISCUSSIONS >Rimfire Firearms >S/N Look up AR-7. Charter Arms 1990-1997. If they started with serial number A00001 and made.
Locks trigger. Sights Square-blade front, adjustable for windage by tapping; aperture rear adjustable for elevation. Weight 2V>pounds. Overall Length 34 Vi inches. Length When Stowed I6V2 inches.
Finish Heat cured, semi-gloss black textured enamel. Blued steel internal parts.
Bolt and Charging Han- dle, cadmium plated to resist corrosion. AR-7 EXPLORER IMPORTANT: THIS.22 CALIBER AR-7 RIFLE IS DESIGNED TO ACCEPT STANDARD OR HIGH VELOCITY.22 L. Rl M FIRE AMMUNI- TION. THE USE OF OTHER THAN THIS RECOMMENDED AM- MUNITION WILL VOID THE ONE YEAR FULL WARRANTY. To Assemble 1. Remove butt cap by holding stock in one hand; place the thumb of other hand on the serrations of the butt cap, and remove by applying down and outward pressure from the top.
Remove action, barrel and magazine from stock. Caution: Use care to prevent parts from falling free causing possible damage. Place action in slot provided in the front of stock and secure by turning wing bolt in base of pistol grip finger tight. To attach barrel to action, line up lug on top of barrel with slot on top of action, and tighten barrel nut finger-tight. Note: Charging handle can fall from receiver if not held right side up. Replace butt cap on stock. Insert eight.22 Long Rifle rimfire caliber cartridges in magazine.
Insert magazine, pull out charging handle, draw charging handle full to rear and release. Rifle is now ready to fire. Note: To engage thumb safety on right rear of action, rotate safety lever back in direction of pointing arrow marked 'SAFE'. Safety engages only when rifle is cocked. INSTRUCTIONS Disassembly of the AR-7 Explorer Before attempting disassembly of AR-7 be sure that MAGAZINE has been removed and Bolt has been pulled back to assure that Receiver and Chamber are free of live ammuni- tion. To remove magazine from action press the release which is located forward of the trigger finger. Place magazine aside.
Retract bolt and inspect bolt face and chamber to be sure rifle is not loaded. To remove barrel from action, loosen barrel nut approx- imately 2 turns. Pull out charging handle, retract bolt about half way and then release so that bolt will strike rear end of barrel sharply. This will separate barrel from tight fit in receiver. Unscrew barrel nut completely and remove barrel. Hold with receiver right side up to prevent loss of charging handle. Remove Butt Cap in manner shown in picture.
Return barrel to its recess in stock. Return magazine to stock with open end down and stop boss to the left. Dirt Late Model Sim Crate Download more.
Remove action from front of stock. Depress charging handle and return the action to its pocket in the stock. Replace butt cap on stock. For Proper Function, the Action of This Firearm Must be Kept Clean. The stock butt cap is a pressure fit and removes easily.
After inserting action, it is secured by tightening a wing bolt. A lug is lined up and barrel is tight- ened with the barrel nut finger-tight. N _ / Insert eight.22 LR Rimfire caliber cartridge magazine.
The charging handle, which is connected to the bolt, is then pulled out and drawn back and the rifle is ready to fire^, CARE OF RIFLE To keep bore in perfect condition run through an oiled patch after use. Exterior need not be oiled.
If necessary to clean the action, leave assembled and wash in any petroleum solvent, drain and oil interior lightly with any good grade of gun oil. Stock is not harmed by moisture or ex posure and may be wiped clean with damp cloth. Aluminum black touch up may be used if outside finish of bar- rel and receiver is damaged. Safety Precautions 1. Always handle any gun as if loaded.
Keep on safety at all times except when intending to fire. Before use, check that the barrel is free of any obstruction. Wave Number To Wavelength Converter. Always check after a fall while hunting.
Be particularly careful when unloading the rifle to check the chamber after the magazine has been removed to assure a live round does not remain in the rifle. THE MANUFACTURER STRONGLY RECOMMENDS USING SIGHT AND HEARING PROTECTION DEVICES WHEN FIRING THIS RIFLE. EXPLODED VIEW Stratford, CT 06497 AR-7 EXPLORER PARTS LIST 2221 ASSY.