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Successful treatment of difficult wounds requires assessment of the entire patient and not just the wound. Systemic problems often impair wound healing; conversely, nonhealing wounds may herald systemic pathology. Consider the negative effects of endocrine diseases (eg, diabetes, hypothyroidism), hematologic conditions (eg, anemia, polycythemia, myeloproliferative disorders), cardiopulmonary problems (eg, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure), GI problems that cause malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies, obesity, and peripheral vascular pathology (eg, atherosclerotic disease, chronic venous insufficiency, lymphedema). Assess the following: (1) size and depth of involvement and the extent of undermining, (2) the appearance of the wound surface—is it necrotic or viable, (3) amount and characteristic(s) of wound exudate, and (4) status of the periwound tissues (eg, pigmented, scarred, atrophic, cellulitic).

Myocardial Infarction

[] Ensure adequate oxygenation The usual reason for inadequate tissue oxygenation is local vasoconstriction as a result of sympathetic overactivity. This may occur because of blood volume deficit, unrelieved pain, or hypothermia, especially involving the distal extent of the extremities. Ensure adequate nutrition Adequate nutrition is an often-overlooked requirement for normal wound healing. Site Planning Kevin Lynch Ebooking here. [] Address protein-calorie malnutrition and deficiencies of vitamins and minerals.

Inadequate protein-calorie nutrition, even after just a few days of starvation, can impair normal wound-healing mechanisms. For healthy adults, daily nutritional requirements are approximately 1.25-1.5 g of protein per kilogram of body weight and 25-30 calories/kg. These requirements can increase, however, for patients with sizeable wounds. Suspect malnutrition in patients with chronic illnesses, inadequate societal support, multisystemic trauma, or GI or neurologic problems that may impair oral intake. Protein deficiency occurs in approximately 25% of all hospitalized patients. Oftentimes, a thorough physical examination can reveal signs of malnutrition, such as temporal wasting, loss of subcutaneous fat, ankle/sacral edema, pronounced clavicles. A positive wound culture does not confirm a wound infection.

This article discusses the management of chronic wounds. This topic is naturally diverse and far-reaching. Chevalier Et Camelot Isotope. Career advice, tips. Sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam.

Opportunistic microorganisms may colonize any wound. Wound exudate, which is naturally bactericidal, inhibits the spread of surface contamination from becoming a deep wound infection.

However, when wound ischemia or systemic immune compromise supervenes, pathogenic microorganisms propagate until an excessive concentration of bacteria in the wound precludes healing. This heralds a true wound infection. Multidrug resistant organisms are becoming increasingly common. Category Examples Description Applications Alginate AlgiSite, Comfeel, Curasorb, Kaltogel, Kaltostat, Sorbsan, Tegagel Alginate dressings are made of seaweed extract contains guluronic and mannuronic acids that provide tensile strength and calcium and sodium alginates, which confer an absorptive capacity. Some can leave fibers in the wound if they are not thoroughly irrigated. These dressings are secured with secondary coverage.

These dressings are highly absorbent and useful for wounds have copious exudate. Alginate rope is particularly useful to pack exudative wound cavities or sinus tracts. Hydrofiber Aquacel, Aquacel-Ag, Versiva An absorptive textile fiber pad, hydrofiber is also available as a ribbon for packing of deep wounds. This material is covered with a secondary dressing.

The hydrofiber combines with wound exudate to produce a hydrophilic gel. Aquacel-Ag contains 1.2% ionic silver that has strong antimicrobial properties against many organisms, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant enterococci. Hydrofiber absorbent dressings used for exudative wounds. Debriding agents Hypergel (hypertonic saline gel), Santyl (collagenase), Accuzyme (papain urea) Various products provide some chemical or enzymatic debridement. Debriding agents are useful for necrotic wounds as an adjunct to surgical debridement. Foam LYOfoam, Spyrosorb, Allevyn Polyurethane foam has absorptive capacity. These dressings are useful for cleaning granulating wounds with minimal exudate.