
Korea`s Nucular Program 2007


Korea`s Nucular Program 2007 Nuclear Power in South Korea (Updated February 2017) South Korea is a major world nuclear energy country, exporting technology. This chronology of the North Korean nuclear program. The United Nations Security Council expresses concern about North Korea's nuclear. On 26 January 2007.

Image copyright AFP Image caption Pyongyang used a three-stage rocket to put a satellite into space in 2012 Technically yes - North Korea has conducted several tests with nuclear bombs. However, in order to launch a nuclear attack on its neighbours, it needs to be able to make a nuclear warhead small enough to fit on to a missile. While North Korea claims it has successfully 'miniaturised' nuclear warheads, international experts have long cast doubt on these claims. Yet according to in August 2017, US intelligence officials now do believe North Korea is capable of miniaturisation.

Plutonium or uranium? Another question is what the starting material for the nuclear tests is. Analysts believe the first two tests used plutonium, but whether the North used plutonium or uranium as the starting material for the 2013 test is unclear.

A successful uranium test would mark a significant leap forward in North Korea's nuclear programme. The North's plutonium stocks are finite, but if it could enrich uranium it could build up a nuclear stockpile. Plutonium enrichment also has to happen in large, easy-to-spot facilities, whereas uranium enrichment can more easily be carried out in secrecy.

Korea`s Nucular Program 2007Korea`s Nucular Program 2007

Can North Korea deliver it? There is no consensus on exactly where North Korea is in terms of miniaturising a nuclear device so that it can be delivered via a missile. According to, US intelligence officials now believe North Korea's claim that it has the technology to fit its missiles with nuclear warheads. Japan's defence ministry has also recently stated this is a possibility. The new assessment comes only weeks after North Korea tested what it said was an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of. Prepaid Meter Keygenguru. While analysts doubt Pyongyang's claim, most experts agree the missile could.