Mysql Get Date Default
I have a table Members with column DayJoin of type varchar. I want to set default value of the column DayJoin should be the current day if user does not enter a value for that field. In MSSQL Server I wrote this statement: CREATE TABLE Members ( ID int identity (1,1) primary key, Email varchar(50), Password Varchar(50), Role Varchar(50) default 'Member', DayJoin varchar(50) DEFAULT Convert(varchar, GETDATE(),103), LastLogin varchar(50)DEFAULT Convert(varchar, GETDATE(),103), FName varchar(50), LName varchar(50), Phone varchar(50), DOB varchar(50), Gender varchar(50), IDcard varchar(50), Address varchar(50), City varchar(50), Job varchar(50), Avatar varchar(50) default 'images/noavatar.gif' ) The statement gets the value of the current day and formats it as (dd/mm/yyyy).
MySQL date FAQ: How do I set a MySQL/MariaDB DATE field to default to “now,” i.e., the current time? Setting the MySQL date to “now” Unfortunately you can’t default a MySQL DATE field to “now,” but you can get the “now” behavior with a TIMESTAMP field. The syntax to create a MySQL TIMESTAMP “now” field is: last_changed timestamp not null default now(), where last_changed is the name of my field, timestamp is the type of field, it can’t be null, and the date/time default is now(). Now when you do a MySQL INSERT, just skip this field in your SQL INSERT statement, and this field will default to the current date/time.

11.3.5 Automatic Initialization and Updating for TIMESTAMP and DATETIME. Annick Goutal Limited Edition Bottles Circa. As of MySQL 5.6.5, TIMESTAMP and DATETIME columns can be., dt DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT. Is there a way how to change the date and time format accepted and returned by MySQL from 'yyyy-mm-dd' to something different? I've seen several posts here. Table 12.13 Date and Time Functions. Mysql>SELECT DATE_FORMAT('2003-10-03',GET. Note that the built-in default values for the DATE and DATEFIELD column types. Datetime field does not accept default NOW. From 4 Apr 2007 through 26 July 2010 and the BUG BUG BUG still exists in MySQL that you can't default a date.