144 Strand Dna Activation Lords Of Karma
Q: The videos on the ChakraConsciousness website look almost identical. Are the downloads really different?
A: Absolutely! Each video has its own individual download pertaining to that video topic. The download hand gestures contained within each video were meticulously recorded for each specific video topic activation and/ or release. The hand gestures contain all the instructions and/ or codings required for each process to fully manifest itself. The video is the digital medium that is purchased on the website and contains the download that is transmitted through the hand gestures.
Lords of Karma; Services. 144,000 Strand DNA Activation with the Lords of Karma! I now request the full activation of my 12 Strand DNA to the new DNA templates of zero point energy and fractal. Golden dna activation. The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light. Piscis and the activation of our Trinity Lords Shield. The full twelve strand DNA and memories of your. The Mother Mary Matrix 144 Strand DNA Activation is a pure love vibration channeled from Source energy and brought to the Earth at this time as a DNA.
The different downloads are always transmitted on a higher level of consciousness when the videos are viewed. This digital product is actually a service that is identical to what a person would receive during an in-person or remote healing session where these particular activations and /or releases were transmitted. Q: Will I receive the video on a DVD through the mail? A: No; The video downloads on the chakraconsciousness website are digital media and are downloaded from our website to your computer via the internet. The term download is being used for transferring light energy (activations and / or release) and is also being used as a term for the transfer of digital media over the internet. Q: Will I ever need to get updates for downloads on this website?
Whenever I update a process or download, that update is immediately broadcasted to everyone that has already received that specific download. The download is broadcasted on a higher level, so that it is received and processed automatically.
Q: Will I ever need to repurchase these downloads? A: You will only need to repurchase the downloads that have time limits (one month or one year downloads).
This only applies to a couple of the downloads on this website such as the Crystalline Energy Balancing. Most downloads can be watched as often as one desires and may be updated periodically on a higher level (as explained in the previous question). I recommend that you watch these download videos at least twice a year for two or three years.
As people throughout the planet watch these download videos, a morphic (quantum) field of higher consciousness is created. The greater this field becomes, the faster and more profound the release or activation. This is the same paradigm as the 7000 person ‘coherence group’ morphic/quantum field concept. The shift and power that this critical mass group creates is very substantial and changes can happen very rapidly. A ‘coherence’ group the size of the square root of 1% of its population would be invincible. This number of people for the world would be about 7,000 (the exact population is unknown).
Q: Why do these releases and activations take so long to complete? A: The physical body is always the limiting factor! If we didn’t have a physical body we could process these downloads very quickly. All of the downloads on this website are set-up to process as fast as they can without adversely stressing the physical body. The main variables in your processing speed would be: your age, vitality and toxicity level. As you process these downloads, your frequency is going to increase. Solvent Demonstration Tape Rar. As your frequency increases, your physical body must detoxify in order to support your new frequency level.
The speed at which you process these downloads will be a very individual thing and one that is solely dependant upon the current state of your physical body. Q: Do people repeat Chakra Consciousness? What do you recommend after Chakra Consciousness and your other activations are complete? A: The Chakra Consciousness downloads contain 11 steps/processes. The 11th session will “clear” all remaining frequencies (emotional & karmic) that are not contained within the list of 10 categories. Once you have completed all 11 Chakra Consciousness steps/processes you will have released a tremendous amount of emotional and karmic energy that will continue to shift your consciousness dramatically for some time. Currently, there is no frame of reference for the effects of this amount of work completed in such a condensed time period.